DIVAS lets be honest for a minute and admit that we all have a few Saturday mornings in our life when we woke up with REGRET written all over our forehead from the actions of Friday night. Here is a short list of scenarios for the DIVAS that are saying to themselves as they read this blog, “Not me”:
-Friday paycheck blown on a full outfit for the club with VIP tickets and a new hair do
-Just one too many drinks at the same club thus the “headache”
-For the “non-clubbing” DIVAS, the over zealous screaming at Friday night football while your baby was doing his thing on the field.
-The attitude you gave the grocery store clerk when she gave you your total after all the coupons had been swiped and the calculations in your head did not match.
-Or more specifically this past Friday, when the reality began to sink in this year is swiftly coming to an end. You began to regret not meeting one or more of the goals you set for yourself in 2020 as you reflected on the year.
This can be a daunting for many DIVAS as looking back often to the night before or the year brings regret for what was not completed or of the mistakes made. The last days of the year can be encumbered by the thoughts of what “shoulda, coulda or woulda” happened if one had done or not done one thing or the other.
But guess what…
Each new morning is a time to start fresh, set new intentions, create a new pathway, refocus and take action accordingly. That is the beauty and blessing of each new day we are able to experience. We can frame the course of our lives by deciding not to waddle in regret from our past mistakes, experiences, relationships and failures but to be grateful for the opportunity to grow from each “building block”.
As you move into 2021, do so without regrets of 2020. Make a firm decision that you will be grateful for your journey thus far. Be positioned for the most purposeful year of your life by taking time today to reflect on the positive experiences of the year, re-frame any negative thoughts, focus on what matters most to you! Here are a few tips to help you get ready to walk boldly with purpose into 2020:
-Write down your intentions for 2020. (Categorizing your intentions can be helpful. Here are my categories, I call them my 5 F’s; faith, family, fitness, finances and fun.)
-List 2-3 goals related to each intention, be specific and add in a timeline of achievement. (also include why this goal matters to you or what achieving this goal would mean to you, your family, your relationships, etc.)
-Consider a resource to assist you and write down a name, podcast or book that may be helpful for each intention you have set.
-Create a visual pathway for yourself and the steps you need to take in order to achieve your small goals first and then build to your next goal or long term goal.
If you get stumped with this process or desire assistance schedule a Dream Session with me. I have found that having a trusted, experienced, non-biased and dedicated Accountability Partner to speak with about my goals, intentions or desires helps with purposeful planning and action taking.
Divas, lets walk into 2020 claiming we are Distinguished Individuals On A Victorious Ascent to Success and living life without regrets!